Hey There! Here’s a Little About This Cool Place.

Different, Creative, Bold

Welcome to Craig Art Prints. I’m glad you’re here.

I’m Craig Kaiser and the Owner of Craig Art Prints, and also the Digital Artist/Designer behind all this cool (I use that word a lot) and interesting (I hope) art you can happily adorn the walls of your special place with. I strive to be a little bit different and I like to think outside the box.

I use several methods and tools to create digital art, including Ai, Photoshop, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo and a few more. Some art will be Ai based, others, created purely in Photoshop, or my vector software of choice, Affinity Designer. Some will be photos that I rework and enhance to create special works of digital art. Everything I do focuses on creating unique, mood enhancing, visually stunning art that adds to the enjoyment of your home.

I can be a bit playful and sometimes I create art that doesn’t fit my main categories of interest on here, but I still want to share them with you. So I created a Special Products category with some special art I’ve placed on Mugs, T-Shirts and other items. Be sure to check that out as well.

I hope you enjoy the art I bring to you as I try to make your special place a little bit brighter.

Browse around and if you should have any questions, please reach out. I’m very friendly and here for you.